October 13, 2024

Many pet owners have heard of rabbit ears as a natural dewormer for dogs. But are they truly effective? Let’s dig into the truth behind this furry treat.

Cleanse: Fact or Fiction? The theory behind rabbit ears is that the fur acts like a tiny brush, scraping worms loose from the dog’s intestines and carrying them out with the stool. While the fur might offer some mild digestive roughage, there’s no scientific evidence to support it actively deworming.

Real Deal: Consulting Your Vet Worms can be a serious health concern for dogs. They can cause weight loss, lethargy, and even lead to other health problems. The best way to diagnose and treat worms is to consult your veterinarian. They can perform a simple fecal test to identify the type of worm and recommend the appropriate medication.

Treat Time: Safe and Fun While rabbit ears may not be a miracle cure for worms, they can be a healthy and enjoyable treat for your dog. Just remember to choose treats appropriate for your dog’s size and chewing habits. Consider alternatives like dehydrated vegetables or bully sticks for a satisfying and safe chew

Read the full article here > IslandDog Magazine Issue 02. Page 21